On Art, Fear, the Sea of Cortez and A Day Well Lived

I have a friend who is involved in the independent art world. Over the years he has supported many self-described “starving artists” whose dedication to their dreams has inspired him to write checks, host fundraisers and promote their craft. When I told him that I was going to sponsor “some guy’s attempt to swim acrossContinue reading “On Art, Fear, the Sea of Cortez and A Day Well Lived”

On “Near Pressure” and the Quest for Perfection

When I was a kid, I learned all about peer pressure and how to deal with it. At some point, however, peer pressure morphed into what I’m calling “near pressure” (for no other reason than it rhymes with peer pressure). For the sake of these thoughts, I’m defining near pressure as the pressure I feelContinue reading “On “Near Pressure” and the Quest for Perfection”

On Broken Dreams, Raging Rapids and the Calm

I’m terribly behind in my thoughts. It’s not that I’m not having them. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Every time I sit down to write one thing, I end up starting 10 thoughts, but nothing finished. It makes me feel a bit manic. Crazy. Insane. What I should say is that I’m terribly behindContinue reading “On Broken Dreams, Raging Rapids and the Calm”

In Honor of Father’s Day: A Trying Decision

With Father’s Day just past, I thought I would revisit my old blog and post one of the very first (maybe THE first) “dad post” that I ever wrote (way back in October 2004). A TRYING DECISION To my knowledge, I’ve never gotten anyone pregnant. There was the one time in college when the condomContinue reading “In Honor of Father’s Day: A Trying Decision”

This is Bull(y)shit

My writing process is best described as herky-jerky. It’s usually a combination of starts and stops and starts again, as I look for the final groove that pushes me to finish whatever piece on which I’m working. The stops are usually spent online, as I try to calm my brain. And, sometimes, I’ll find somethingContinue reading “This is Bull(y)shit”