Meeting People in the Strangest of Places

As great as it is to have a full potty-trained kid, there are times when I yearn for the ol’ diaper. Like last Thursday night:

“Daddy, I really need to go poop.”

“Great, K-Man. Let’s go to the potty and…oh, wait, we’re in a park with no potty. Do you think you can hold it K? Or is it an emergency?”

“It’s an emergency.”

At this point, for some reason, I scooped him up and we ran to the car where I found some wipes. I think I was channeling my inner-McGyver. Not sure what I was gonna do, but I had plane to build a bathroom out of sticks, leaves and chewing gum. I actually figured that I would have K-Man crouch in some distant bushes in the park. We ran back to the park and, damn…the bush, which I was planning on using was currently being occupied by a dog. Seriously. It’s like finally getting to the port-a-potty only to find the door is locked.

Just as K-Man was about to lose it all – I noticed a dad with a boy about K-Man’s age heading into his home, which backed up to the park. “Excuse me, but we’re having a potty emergency,” I pleaded without using the actual words. “Sure, he said, bathroom is right here.” Rescued.

K-Man then proceeded to use the beautiful, new bathroom for all it was worth. A full twenty minutes later, we emerged from this dad’s bathroom. I cannot even imagine what he must have been thinking about the total strangers who were in his bathroom. Turned out, however, that his son and K-Man are pretty much exactly the same age. And, over the course of the next two hours – the boys romped, roamed and wore each other out. New friends. A bond forged by toilet paper…

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