On Birthdays, Piles of Rocks & Love

When I was a kid, I absolutely loved my birthday. Truth be told, I loved my birthday for well beyond the years that I might be described as “a kid.” I wanted to celebrate. I wanted to be surrounded by friends, family and anyone I had ever met. Another year was in the books. AnotherContinue reading “On Birthdays, Piles of Rocks & Love”

On 2013: The Year of “One Thing”

There’s a scene in movie “City Slickers” when Curly tells Billy Crystal’s character that the secret to life is “one thing.” What’s the one thing? Well, it’s different for everyone. But if we can find our “one thing,” the world falls into place. Of course, it’s not so easy. For the last couple of years,Continue reading “On 2013: The Year of “One Thing””

The Foreign Language of Feelings

“Hey dude I got the results back,” is how my dad started the conversation. “I have prostate cancer” is how he continued it before the silence. A silence, which probably only lasted a few seconds, but was long enough to allow for a lifetime of memories to rip through my head. Despite whatever challenges we’veContinue reading “The Foreign Language of Feelings”

Thanks for the Reminders: Measuring What Really Matters

It’s become customary to offer a status update thanking people for the birthday wishes that find their way to our Facebook walls. But, wow, as I look at the names on my wall today, and think of the places where we’ve all met and the experiences that we’ve all shared, I feel like such anContinue reading “Thanks for the Reminders: Measuring What Really Matters”

The Best of Family in the Worst of Times

Craig was, by all accounts, an amazing guy. Patriotic soldier. Committed husband. Accomplished carpenter. And…unbelievable dad. Yes, Craig and his wife (let’s call her Leslie) had three kids – all of whom were under the age of four when his helicopter crashed – the youngest, basically a newborn.

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