On Birthdays, Piles of Rocks & Love

When I was a kid, I absolutely loved my birthday. Truth be told, I loved my birthday for well beyond the years that I might be described as “a kid.” I wanted to celebrate. I wanted to be surrounded by friends, family and anyone I had ever met. Another year was in the books. AnotherContinue reading “On Birthdays, Piles of Rocks & Love”

On (Re)Defining Friendship in the Face of a Tragic Death and the Now

I feel blessed because I liked high school. I wasn’t so fond of the tests, and there were a couple of teachers I could have done without, but I liked pretty much everything else about it. I wasn’t one of the “popular kids,” but I found my space. I had my set of really closeContinue reading “On (Re)Defining Friendship in the Face of a Tragic Death and the Now”

Thanks for the Reminders: Measuring What Really Matters

It’s become customary to offer a status update thanking people for the birthday wishes that find their way to our Facebook walls. But, wow, as I look at the names on my wall today, and think of the places where we’ve all met and the experiences that we’ve all shared, I feel like such anContinue reading “Thanks for the Reminders: Measuring What Really Matters”

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